The Youth Ministry Team!
We are excited by the momentum we have built in the last few years in the area of youth ministry, but we don’t want it to slow down. Instead, we want it to build speed! We hope to see youth ministry grow and provide a welcoming and loving place for the youth of Escanaba. In order to keep this going, we will need a team.
Volunteer with Youth Group
The youth group team this coming year will look a little different then we have seen it in the past. We will have weekly volunteers and one administrator so that youth group will be lead by a group of volunteers. If you are interested in helping out or want to know more look into these volunteer descriptions:
Volunteer with the National Youth Gathering
The National Youth Gathering will be a chance for the youth of Our Savior to sing praise with a stadium full of other believers their age, do service projects, attend break out sessions and so much more! To make this awesome trip happen takes support and volunteer help. We will have one Primary Adult Volunteer and more Adult Volunteers working together to make this happen! Here is a little more information if you are interested in helping or want to know more:
Wacky Wednesday Volunteer
Wacky Wednesday is an awesome time for K-5th graders to learn about God's love in a fun way. This team will work together to put on Wacky Wednesday events. If you are wondering about how that will look here click the buttons to learn more.
Youth Ministry Support Team
For all of the awesome events, groups, and gatherings our youth are involved in to happen it takes support. These roles are roles that support the Youth ministry of Our Savior and help keep momentum. The two support roles, Event Coordinator and Fundraising Coordinator are great opportunities to get involved even if you don’t have youth in the youth group and want to help.